Douglas Kim

CEO & Founder

SpaceMap Inc


Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University

Douglas founded SpaceMap in 2021 based on the research output funded by the Korean National Research Foundation and US AFRL. He aims at providing the community with a real-time decision-making platform for the safety, efficiency, and intelligence among space catalogues of O(10^6) size. SpaceMap has three services. Astro-1: the guardian of safety; AstroOrca: the solver for space optimization and intel; AstroLibrary: the library of useful APIs for application program developments. The ambitious real-time responses to such challenging problems can only be done by the preprocessing of critical space-time events of the fast-moving space objects using Voronoi diagrams – This is an idea like the index files of Google search engines.

Douglas has contributed to the theory, algorithms, implementation, and applications of Voronoi diagrams in diverse disciplines including biology, material sciences, etc. Upon the AFRL request in 2016, he started to introduce Voronoi diagrams to solve hard space problems and has produced significant results. He is a Ph.D. from Industrial and Operations Engineering Department, University of Michigan, US and graduated from Hanyang University, Korea. He is a professor of Mechanical Engineering Department, Hanyang University, Seoul. See BRICC’s LinkedIn post:

His Voronoi articles can be found at

He can be reached at: