Takahiro Miura


The Breakthrough Company GO

CEO , The Breakthrough Company GO
After working in marketing, PR, and creative fields at Hakuhodo in 2007, I worked at TBWA HAKUHODO before founding The Breakthrough Company GO in 2017.
I founded The Breakthrough Company GO in 2017.
My mission is to support social change and challenges through the power of creativity.
From marketing for national clients such as major convenience stores and megabanks,
I have worked on a wide range of projects from marketing for national clients such as major convenience stores and megabanks to startups and local government projects.
I have received numerous awards including Cannes Lions, PR Award Grand Prix, and ACC TOKYO CREATIVITY AWORDS Grand Prix/Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award.
My book “Ability to verbalize (if you can put it into words, your life will change)” (SB Creative) ranked No. 1 on Amazon’s business book ranking.
I am the author of five other books, including “Super Creative Ideas x Implementation to Move Reality” (Bungeishunju).
I am the organizer of THE CREATIVE ACADEMY.