Tsugito Nagano

Japan Lead

AWS Aerospace and Satellite

Tsugito Nagano joined NTT in 1997. After working as an IT consultant, he joined Japan Manned Space Systems (JAMSS) in 2006 and was transferred to the JAXA Earth Observation Research Center the same day, where he was involved in JAXA-University of Alaska joint Arctic science and the launch of an environmental monitoring project under the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF). After returning to JAMSS, he worked as an Increment Payload Engineer on the International Space Station program. In 2012, he moved to the Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC), where he worked on Earth observation satellite application projects in the fields of climate change, disaster management, and agriculture. In 2021, he joined AWS as the Japan Lead of the Aerospace & Satellite team to support the growth of Japanese space companies by providing cloud services.