Yasuhito Uto

Chief Executive Officer

BULL Co., Ltd.

Born in Aichi Prefecture. After graduating from the School of Law at Waseda University, he joined the Ministry of ​​Defense (National Public Service, Law), where he was involved in planning and drafting operations of the Self ​Defense ​Forces, Japan-U.S. Alliance policy, and joint training. During his tenure at the Ministry, he earned a ​Master’s degree in ​International Policy Studies from Stanford University Graduate School, and was in charge of ​river-related ​administrative regulations when he was transferred to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport ​and Tourism. ​After retiring from the Ministry of Defense, he worked as an Associate Manager at Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. for ​consulting services such as business revitalization. Then, he joined ALE, a space ​start-up company, as Head of Space ​Environment in charge of atmospheric data business and space debris ​mitigation business.